Goldcheek scene

As a young woman, I can't deny that the pressure to be found beautiful can interfere at any point of the day. Rationally I know that it won't matter in the long run but there's still a part of me that gets bothered by it. Fixing what was never truly broken.
Pretty privilage in the back of my mind. Our primal instinct has trained us to pick the red strawberry of the bush instead of giving the white one a chance. What type of strawberry am I?
Whether I like it or not, my apperance is part of my identity. Someone will have to see my outer shell before they see my ego. I need to move through space in this thing.
I will always be a body. To some if not most people that I pass by without further interaction, a body is all I'll ever be. My birthmark is a part of that body.
I do believe having it thaught me to form my own opinion on what's beautiful and what's ugly. I'm gratefull for that way of thinking.
Similair to good or bad art, it depends on who you
ask. Beauty isn't consistent. Beauty isn't fixed.
Beauty isn't universal. Beauty isn't a fact.
The body can be expressive if we want it to be. It can project our inner identity. We can show it off or cover it up. We can paint it, scar it, inkt it, pierce it, pinch it, shrink it or grow it.
But we can never make it beautiful, for beauty is an opinion.